Members are reminded that the subscription rate with effect from 1 January 2024 will be £27 UK (£38 / €44 overseas) per annum. The following actions are required dependent upon your method of payment.
Payment by Direct Debit
You need to take no action because the RNLI will do it for you. You will however get a standard RNLI letter one month before your renewal date which will say “Thank you for your donation of £…..“ and confirming it will be collected annually thereafter unless you cancel it. Please don’t be concerned about the letter, our account is administered by RNLI and it is a legal requirement that they issue this letter. We can assure you that the income will be allocated to your LBES membership.
Payment by Standing Order
It is your responsibility to instruct your bank to update it. Please ensure you do so before the next payment is due.
Payment by BACS transfer
Please remember to do so at the new rate.
Renewal Reminder
If you pay your membership subscription other than by Direct Debit or Standing Order, i.e. Cheque or Bank Transfer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your annual subscription is paid by the end of the month in which it is due. If your membership is not up to date you will not receive magazines or a handbook.
Any queries or problems please email Ian Bell, the Treasurer at .